
小説・エッセイ / ミステリー・サスペンス / ライトノベル / 漫画(コミック) / ビジネス・経済・就職 / 語学・学習参考書・資格 / 人文・思想・社会 / 科学・医学・技術 / 美容・暮らし・健康・料理 / ホビー・スポーツ・美術 / 旅行・留学・アウトドア / PC・システム開発 / エンターテインメント / ノンフィクション / 写真集 / 絵本・児童書 / 雑誌 / 洋書



作 者:
彼得.蕭(Peter Shaw)



説 明:









**「The Emperor’s new clothes.****」(**國王的新衣:安徒生童話裡的國王一絲不掛遊街,是因為沒有人敢說出真相。)



「The elephant in the room.****」(房間裡的大象:房間裡明明有隻大象,人們卻當作沒看見。)



「Face the music .****」(勇於面對現實,接受不好的後果:這裡不是要你面對音樂,而是要你承擔做錯事的後果。)



「Put a tiger in your tank.」(油箱裡的猛虎能量:在你的油箱裡放一隻老虎?!這是知名汽油品牌ESSO的廣告文案,但老虎與汽油有什麼關係呢?正是這種隱喻,使人想去探究其深層的含義:這種汽油將為你的汽車帶來無限的動力,猶如一頭猛虎。)



「Act the goat.****」(裝瘋賣傻/幹盡蠢事:這可不是扮一隻山羊,這是為了逃避責任的「裝傻」,也可解釋為逗人一笑的「耍笨」,有時候還可形容「瘋癲」。)














彼得•蕭(Peter Shaw)

普瑞斯塔夥伴(Praesta Partners)企管顧問公司的共同創辦人,至今為止曾與遍布六大洲的個人、小組及團隊共事,協助他們増強實力並滿懷信心克服艱巨的困難。他曾擔任英國政府的一級主管,廣泛歷練各部門的局處首長層級職位,包括財經、政策、交通和運輸等領域。他著有三十本關於領導力的專書,每一本都擲地有聲,目前是英國、澳洲和加拿大等八所高等教育機構的領導力發展學客座教授。








PART 1 願景

種子必須死去 The seed has to die

失之東隅,收之桑榆 When one door closes another opens

隧道盡頭見曙光 The light at the end of the tunnel

路上的絆腳石 The rocks in the way

舊的不去,新的不來 There has to be an ending before there can be a new beginning.

從高處俯瞰 A bird’s-eye view

攀登另一座山 The next mountain to climb

越線之前先看會跌多遠 Don’t jump over the edge without looking how far you might fall

扭轉局面 Turn the tables

適時另闢蹊徑 Time to blaze a trail

潮起必有潮落 Every tide has its ebb

三思而後行 Look before you leap

萬丈高樓平地起 Great oaks from little acorns grow

懦夫難贏美人心 Faint hearts never won fair lady

失之毫釐,謬以千里 A miss is as good as a mile

需要為發明之母 Necessity is the mother of invention

獨木難成林 One swallow does not make a summer

慎防自我意識之爭 Beware of the battle of the egos

鍊條的強度取決於最弱的一環 A chain is only as strong as its weakest link

千里之行,始於足下 A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

一畫勝千言 A picture is worth a thousand words

切勿殺雞取卵 Don’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg

超越鼠目寸光 Look beyond the end of your nose

急功近利/竭澤而漁 The immediate can drive out the important

PART 2 價值

25 希望之泉永不枯竭 Hope springs eternal

26 剃刀邊緣 A close shave

27 人生就是旋轉木馬 Life is a roundabout

28 不吠的狗 The dog that didn’t bark

29 持續觀察 Keep watch

30 保持距離,以策安全 Know when to keep your distance

31 房間裡的大象 The elephant in the room

32 言歸於好 Bury the hatchet

33 劃出底線 Draw the line

34 勇於面對現實,接受不良的後果 Face the music

35 不要浪費危機 Don’t waste a crisis

36 揭人瘡疤等於揭己之短 People in glass house should not throw stones

37 多聽少說 We have two ears and one mouth

38 裝睡的人叫不醒/裝聾的人耳不聰 None so deaf as those who will not hear

39 心口相應 Connect brain to mouth

40 無風不起浪 No smoke without fire

41 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩 Once bitten twice shy

42 沉默即表示同意 Silence gives consent

43 不必炒熱場子 Don’t feel you have to fill the silence

44 少說少錯 The least said the soonest mended

45 真相將會水落石出 Truth will out

46 仁者見仁,智者見智 Truth has many dimensions

冷眼看激情 Watch getting steamed up

避免冷淡待人 Be mindful if you are giving the cold shoulder

坐而言不如起而行 Actions speak louder than words

閃閃發亮的未必是黃金 All that glitters is not gold

種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆 As you sow so shall you reap

親不敬,熟生蔑 Watch if familiarity breeds contempt

巧婦難為無米之炊 You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear

PART 3 附加價值

先馳得點,捷足先登 A foot in the door

罐子裡的第一顆石頭 The first rocks in the jar

房子要建在岩石而非沙子上 Build on rock and not on sand

克服重重阻礙 The hoop you have to jump through

進三步退兩步 Three steps forward and two steps back

烏龜慢走更快抵達 Go slow to go fast

許願需謹慎 Be careful what you wish for

掌舵而非划槳 Steering not rowing

全副武裝上陣 Armed to the teeth

英勇的王者之心 Lion-hearted

等待雲消霧散/等待良機 Wait till the clouds roll by

鳶飛戾天,俯仰自如 Soaring and swooping like an eagle

有備無患 Keep your powder dry

防患於未然 Nip in the bud

早起的鳥兒有蟲吃 The early bird catches the worm

打鐵趁熱 Strike while the iron is hot

維持蓬勃發展 Keep the pot boiling

當機立斷 Take the bull by the horns

人人平等 A cat may look at a king

把握良機 Make hay while the sun shines

得心應手的訣竅 Know the ropes

聊勝於無 Half a loaf is better than none

風水輪流轉 Fortune knocks once on every door

三個臭皮匠,勝過一個諸葛亮 Two heads are better than one

三個和尚沒水喝/人多誤事 Too many cooks spoil the broth

小洞不補,大洞吃苦 A stitch in time saves nine

慎防骨牌效應 Be alert to the domino effect

全力以赴 Put your best foot forward

力求殊途同歸Seek to ensure both ends meet

山中無老虎,猴子稱大王 Among the blind the one-eyed man is king

遲到總比缺席好 Better late than never

小心駛得萬年船 Discretion is the better part of valour

綜觀全局,洞悉本質 Be on the balcony and on the dance floor

偶爾深入檢視 Use the long screwdriver occasionally

一絲真相 A germ of truth

密室對談 Conversations in the grey space

三振出局 Three strikes and you are out

為提醒做好準備 Be ready for the wake-up call

PART 4 生命力

油箱裡的猛虎能量 Put a tiger in your tank

不要白費力氣 Don’t hit your head against a brick wall

輕而易舉之事 A walk in the park

先會走路再學跑步 Walk before you run

來個深呼吸 Take deep breaths

世事有起必有落 What goes up comes down

掌握時機,切勿隨波逐流 Show a clean pair of heals

沉默是金 Hold your tongue

找人間聊/集思廣益 Chew the fat

除舊布新,開創新局 Turn over a new leaf

匍匐前進,低調行事 Go on all fours

小睡片刻 Take forty winks

冷靜的良心之聲 Still small voice of calm

小別勝新婚 Absence makes the heart grow fonder

「有一天」就是沒那一天 Any time means no time

不要畫蛇添足Leave well alone

鹿死誰手,尚未可知 He laughs best who laughs last

省到就是賺到 A penny saved is a penny gained

一分耕耘,一分收穫 No pain no gain

深藏不露 Still waters run deep

避免過度努力工作 Beware going into overdrive

注意心理不平衡 Watch the chip on the shoulder

留意自己情緒低落時 Watch if your heart is in your boots

君子之交 Keep your distance

貓有九條命 A cat has nine lives

遊手好間是萬惡之本 An idle brain is the Devil’s workshop

預防勝於治療 An ounce of protection is worth a pound of cure

好的開始是成功的一半 A task begun is half done

美麗僅存於膚淺的表面 Beauty is only skin deep

寧願耗盡,不願鏽壞 Better to wear out than rust out

柿子挑軟的吃;從最簡單的下手 Cross the stream where it is at its shallowest

123.你歡笑,全世界跟著你笑 Laugh and the world laughs with you

124.確保你的積極度 Bottle the positives

PART 5 你應該注意的風險

嗤之以鼻 Turn up your nose

糊口度日 Live from hand to mouth

裝瘋賣傻 Act the goat

趾高氣揚 Ride the high horse

玩火自焚 Play with fire

不小心說溜嘴 Let the cat out of the bag

四處奔走 Rush from pillar to post

小題大作/大驚小怪 Create a storm in a teacup

美中不足 Are the fly in the ointment

病急亂投醫 Clutch at straws

孤立無援 Are left high and dry

寵壞的小羊會成為壞脾氣的大羊 Nurture a pet lamb who becomes a cross ram

貪多必失 Grasp all and lose all

走進死胡同 Run into a brick wall

狗吠火車/徒勞無益 Flog a dead horse

一步錯,步步錯Slide down a slippery slope

臨陣脫逃 Be alert to when you have cold feet

期待萬無一失 Expect everything to be copper bottomed

掃興之人 Are a wet blanket

得意忘形 Get carried away with excitement

有眼無珠 Are viewed as being as blind as a bat

成事敗事,一線之隔 Are seen as a peppery individual

牆頭草,風吹兩面倒 Are always sat on the fence

處事輕率無常 Are seen as playing fast and loose

惹禍上身 Get into hot water

未戰先降 Throw in the sponge too early

本末倒置 Put the cart before the horse

蠟燭兩頭燒 Are burning the candle at both ends

操之過急 Jump the gun

總是潑冷水 Are always throwing cold water

視若無睹 Are seen as blind to behaviours

曇花一現 Are seen as a flash in a pan

忘恩負義 Bite the hand that feeds

打如意算盤 Count your chickens before they hatch

以貌取人Judge a book by its cover

銷聲匿跡 Disappear without trace

今日之我受限於昨日之我 Be captive to your former self

智者不為,愚者往前衝 Jump in where angels fear to tread

勿遷怒於傳遞壞消息的人 Shoot the messenger

淪為野心的奴隸 Be a slave to ambition

PART 6 以莎士比亞為師

拖延沒有好下場 Delays have dangerous ends──henry VI

內心的狂風暴雨 Blown with the windy tempest of my heart──Henry VI

年少輕狂,未更世事 My salad days when I was green in judgement──Anthony and Cleopatra

日益成熟或逐漸腐爛 From hour to hour we ripe and ripe. And then from hour to hour we rot and rot──As You Like It

簡潔乃機智之靈魂 Brevity is the soul of wit──Hamlet

旁敲側擊,投石問路 By indirections find directions out──Hamlet

因果循環,周而復始 The wheel has come full circle──King Lear

逆境乃是最有益之事 There is no virtue like necessity──Richard II

悲傷勝過憤恨 More in sorrow than anger──Hamlet

做繭自縛/自食其果 Hoist with his own petard──Hamlet

PART 7 我們的心態

百花齊放,百家爭鳴 Let a thousand flowers bloom

未行之路;無人走過的路 The road not taken

人生是馬拉松,不是百米短跑 See life as a marathon and not a sprint

開啟未來無限的可能性 Take the lid off

以往鑒來 Look through the other end of the telescope

急流中知進退 Watch getting caught in the vortex

避免沉溺於幻滅的夢想 Watch dwelling on broken dreams

慎防陷入憤怒的漩渦中 Beware getting caught in a huddle of anger

怪罪他人既輕鬆也易自毀 The blame-game is easy and self-destructive

一臉茫然地聳肩 The puzzled shrug of the shoulders

PART 8 永恆的真理

自食其果 As you make your bed you must lie on it

量入為出Cut your coat according to your cloth

以退為進 Withdraw gracefully

勿把所有雞蛋放在同一個籃子裡 Don’t carry all your eggs in one basket

雨過天晴;天無絕人之路 Every cloud has a silver lining

前事不忘,後事之師 Experience teaches fools

驕兵必敗 Pride comes before a fall

人不為己,天誅地滅 Turkeys don’t vote for Christmas

欲正人者,先正其身 Remove the beam from your eye first

水能載舟,亦能覆舟 Fire is a good servant and a bad master

出錢的就是老大 He who pays the piper calls the tune

路必有彎,事必有變/否極泰來 It’s a long lane with no turning

一視同仁,不分厚薄 Sauce for goose is sauce for the gander

人生不是一次彩排 Life is not a dress rehearsal

失去之後才知道珍惜 We never miss the water until the well runs dry

有志者事竟成 Where there is a will there is a way

誌謝 236

參考書單 239

關於作者 243

索引 245

Recomended Books ミステリー・サスペンス


五十嵐 律人

Recomended Books ノンフィクション







Recomended Books 雑誌

ヤングチャンピオン 2024年05号


コミックヘヴン 2024年 3/10号


BOATBoy 2024年3月号


漫画ゴラク 2024年 2/23 号




田舎暮らしの本 2024年3月号


モーニング 2024年9号 [2024年2月1日発売]



Apple Books