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英漢漢英成語常用語翻譯辭典 Chinese Equivalents To English Idioms

英漢漢英成語常用語翻譯辭典 Chinese Equivalents To English Idioms

作 者:
鄭光立 Klin Cheng


Gain Wind Publishing, Ltd.

説 明:
The Most Practical Bilingual Dictionary For the Colloquial, Idiomatic Phrases of Both the English & Chinese Everyday Languages


It is not easy to learn a new language like a native. In addition to a penetrating study of literary speech, the student must have a thorough knowledge of the colloquial language. Spoken English is laden with localisms, including sayings, proverbs, slang, regionalisms, colloquialisms, and idioms. English spoken or written by Chinese is often stilted and inappropriate as they tend to express themselves using techniques common to the Chinese language. In the same way, Mandarin and Taiwanese contain a great deal of idioms, colloquialisms and regionalisms. When they are translated directly into English, we often find the foreigner not understanding what is being said. Trying to render idioms or colloquialisms from one language to the other is always a big headache for us. Fortunately , there is a solution to this problem, that is to find expressions in the two languages that have equivalents or approximations and lay them out side by side. In this way we can kill two birds with one stone – namely, Chinese learn how English speakers express themselves and they learn how we talk and write. For example, if an American asks how the phrase "the blind leading the blind" is said in Chinese, we can answer with the phrase"外行充內行". If we, in turn, ask them the meaning of "you can't teach an old dog new tricks", they can answer with "老狗學不會新把戲". If we say "外行教外行" or they say "你教不會老狗新把戲", it just does not sound like how a native speaker would express himself.

Of course, this method of matching common expressions in one language to those in another is an ideal, a goal. It cannot be done with all expressions, because languages have similarities as well as differences. We cannot always find the very phrase to neatly express every English idea and vice versa. When the student encounters this type of situation, he has no alternative but to seek out the less preferred method of first homing in on the meaning of the expression under consideration, then using common everyday speech to get the point across. This helps the listener or reader to understand our meaning while avoiding dead or forced translations.

In this book, I present a way to solve translation problems by bringing together phrases equivalent to each other. My desire is to show examples to assist others in finding a correct and effective method to learning languages so that everybody can speak or write like a native. Although it will not be possible for me to attain this goal right off the bat, I will continue to strive forward, to keep working towards this goal. It is my hope, however, that the reader be fair-minded in judging my work and give me encouragement when I am making this particular effort.


語言要學得道地不容易,除了精闢研究文言 (literary speech)之外,還得通曉口語。英文口語部份夾雜許多土風相 當濃厚的俗語 (sayings),諺語 (proverbs)、俚語 (slang)、土話 (regionalisms)、常用白話 (colloquialisms) 和成語 (idioms),用一般中文表達往往顯得十分彆扭,不貼切;同樣的,我們講的國語也包括許多成語和常用白話(台語甚至還有一 大堆土話),直接譯成英文,老外每每不知所云,這是大家學英文最感到頭痛的地方。要解決這個問題,消除譯文水土不 服的現象,有一個辦法可行,就是把兩國語言水乳交融、互相契合的部份配對起來,互相對照,如此不僅我們可以學人家的話,人家也可以學我們的話,一舉兩得。譬如,老美問我們 Blind leading the blind 中文怎麼講時,我們可以說外行充內行,我們問他們 You can't teach an old dog new tricks 是什麼意思時,他們可以說老狗學不會新把戲;如果說外行教外行或你教不會老狗新把戲,給人家的感覺就是不道地。當然,這種配對的觀念是一個理想,一個目標,並不是所有的用語 (expressions) 都能適用,因為語言有共通性,也有差異性,人家講的話不見得我們都有,反之亦然;遇到這 種情形,我們只能退而求其次,先抓意思,再用大家平常使用的話來表達,這樣才能避免死譯、硬譯,讓人家瞭解我們要說的意思。

這本書就是以配對觀念解決翻譯問題的一個示範,希望拋磚引玉,協助大家找尋正確學習語言的方向,讓大家有更多的機會接觸道地的語言,如果這個目標一時無法完全實現, 本人當不斷改進、繼續努力,但願讀者給我一個公正的評斷, 給我鼓勵!










【Klin Cheng 英文辭典系列】

乃英文辭典編著家鄭光立獨立出版,自 2000 年起,計有六冊,對平日喜歡閱讀 英文報章雜誌學習現代英文的讀者來說,乃不可多得的工具書。



•圖書館藏:國家圖書館、政大圖書館等更多最新訊息,或大量/全套訂購,請私訊粉絲專頁「報章英文成語教室」或「道地學英文Learning English American Way」。


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